Рассказ «как я ходил в лондонский зоопарк»

railsalim 24 сентября 2024

Рассказ «как я ходил в лондонский зоопарк»

категория: английский язык


We very long were going to go to a zoo, but the nature postponed this pleasure the spring rains and bad weather. And here this long-awaited spring warm sunny day disposing to a campaign in a zoo came. Having taken with itself some top dressing for animals, we went… The first whom we saw, were the ducklings bathing in a reservoir. Further we watched bears (brown and polar bears) , wolves, monkeys (beloruky gibbons, a chimpanzee, an orangutan, gorillas) , tigers and lions. As to lions, we found a surprising picture: attempts of a lion to look after a lioness, at them it is any special ritual — they publish roar sounds, thereby paying attention of all visitors of a zoo.Further we got to aquarium section in which the most various inhabitants of the underwater world — from fishes to rare fresh-water slopes and crabs from South America are presented. In a terrarium saw crocodiles from South East Asia, various turtles (there were even absolutely tiny cherepashka which at that time ate cabbage — was so remarkable to observe for all the events) , and also dragons of Central Asia, Africa, America and other exotic reptiles.

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