Помогите перевести После окончания школы я хочу выучиться…

simss 22 сентября 2024

Помогите перевести После окончания школы я хочу выучиться на лингвиста. Меня всегда привлекало изучение языков. На данный момент я владеюбазовыми уровнями по русскому, английскому, немецкому и испанскому языкам, к тому же начальный уровень по итальянскому и французскому языкам. Еще меня очень заинтересовали сурдо-языки, я начала изучать русский язык жестов (РЖЯ) и американский язык жестов (ASL).

категория: английский язык


After finishing school I want to learn to be a linguist. I was always attracted by the study of languages. At the moment I have the basic levels on Russian, English, German and Spanish languages, besides the initial level of the Italian and French languages. I was also very interested in the Surdo-languages, I began to study the Russian language (РЖЯ) and American sign language (ASL).For many people, such work may seem rather boring. The most part of scientific works in the field of linguistics are simply filing and copying someone's previously stated thoughts. The novelty may be except that the study of the dead languages or older variants of existing languages. But for those who, for example, the texts of the archeological findings trying to determine the boundaries of the settlement of this or that people in ancient times, such work can quite bring moral satisfaction.To work in this profession one should have higher education in the philological speciality. After graduating from the University, a linguist should go to graduate school to become a researcher, and then he may be considered a professional in this sphere.Representatives of this profession are not so often. They, of course, you can enter to the scholar, but not all scholars are linguists. On this specialty work of scientists in Universities the departments of foreign languages, Philology and other areas. Also, people with such a profession can be found in the research organizations; among employees, creating computer programs for translation, typing and checking texts. If a person is studying foreign languages, the need tendency. It is this quality is crucial, since success in this area depends first of all on the innate abilities, and then from time to time, conducted the training.We cannot say that linguists are so useful specialists, as for example, physics, which work in the sphere of nuclear energy. Nevertheless, this is an important way to study the origin of peoples, their contacts in history, and to create maps of the world of different periods of time. Learning the language helps to create a program to teach it within the country and for foreigners.It seems to me, that the profession of a linguist helps people discover their abilities in linguistics and helps people from different countries communicate with each other.

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