Перевести 2 рассказа. Я очень часто делаю из мухи слона

mongol-style 06 октября 2024

Перевести 2 рассказа. Я очень часто делаю из мухи слона. И почему то люблю так делать. На днях мой друг высказал свое мнение насчет меня. Мне это непонравилось и я на него обиделась. Но я быстро остыла и попросила у него прощение, так как он не сказал ничего такого, на что можно было обидится. А наоборот принять это как комплимент. Один мой друг хотел научиться кататься на коньках. Но он боялся что будет падать. Но его желание было сильно. И поэтому я помогала ему. Теперь он катается лучше меня.

категория: английский язык


I very often make a mountain out of a molehill. And why that I like so to do. One of these days my friend has expressed the opinion about me. It wasn't pleasant to me also I on it has taken offense. But I have quickly cooled down and have asked for it a pardon as he hasn't told anything such, on what was possible will take offense. And on the contrary to accept it as a compliment. One my friend wanted to learn to skate. But he was afraid that will fall. But its desire was strong. And consequently I helped it. Now it goes for a drive better me. I often make mountains out of molehills. And why do you love to do that. The other day my friend gave his opinion about me. I did not like it and I took offense at him. But I quickly cooled down and asked him for forgiveness, because he did not say anything on what might be offended. And contrary to it as a compliment. A friend of mine wanted to learn how to skate. But he was afraid that would fall. But his desire was strong. And so I helped him. Now he is riding better than me.

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