Нужно написать рассказ о вашем страхе на английском. 16 предложений

pit 18 сентября 2024

Нужно написать рассказ о вашем страхе на английском. 16 предложений.

категория: английский язык


Я же не знаю Ваш страх, могли бы указать хотя б, поэтому сделала страх не «материальным» . Вот->Some people have a fear of clowns or heights. I wish I had a fear like that. I have a fear of not knowing that I want to do with my life. Not knowing what the future holds for me. Not knowing what I will become. You can conquer a fear of clowns by going to the circus, a fear or heights by riding a roller coaster. But how do you conquer not knowing what the future holds for you? That’s what really scares me. Another thing that scares me is not being able to follow my dreams.What if I never am able to go to Paris and travel the world, or if I never am able to get into a good art school. What if I don’t realize what my true calling is and a realize working with art of fashion isn’t for me and I spent my whole life trying to be something that I’m not and its too late to change my mind! What if I never amount to anything and never amount to my families accomplishments. I don’t like playing the what if game and the fact that at this point in my life these questions are unanswerable. Those are the kinds of questions that keep me up at night. But in some small way I can conquer this fear.I can do this by trying my best at everything I start. I can work hard and save money to make sure I get into a good school. And I can give my absolute best and give everything I have in me to accomplish my goals. Do everything thing in my ability to get to where I want to go and say yes to any opportunity that can help me get there. And in the end of the day if I don’t succeed, I know I did my best.

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