Нужен какой-нибудь рассказ о Санта Клаусе на Английском для чтения…

grichenkov 29 сентября 2024

Нужен какой-нибудь рассказ о Санта Клаусе на Английском для чтения и пересказа (для 4-гокласса)

категория: английский язык


а это на английском- Santa Claus (English Santa Claus) , that is Sacred Nicolas — in late North American tradition — the Christmas grandfather who gives gifts to children for Christmas. The name of the American Santa Claus represents itself distortion of the Dutch transcription of a name of the St. Nikolay, which day of memory is celebrated on December 6 (in Russian Orthodox Church — on May 9 and on December 6 on old style) , i.e. on May 22 and on December 19 respectively.The homeland of Santa Claus Lapland is considered.History of Santa ClausSince the XVII century it is mentioned for the first time as "the Christmas elf" with a big nose and a white beard, and also a red cap on the head. He went down through a chimney when in the house all fell down, and presented obedient children with gifts.Emergence of the name Santa Claus is connected also with the pagan character — the Old Nick (nick — "spirit") who is annually making different tricks, derisively over people. And in early Christianity the image of the Christmas elf contacted sacred Nikolay, the bishop of the IX century. Later the Christmas elf, Old Nick and sacred Nikolay united, having got shape of Santa Claus.Later Nikolay was canonized and now in the Christian world he is known as Sacred Nikolay Ugodnik. In Orthodox church Sacred Nikolay is considered the patron of travelers. The Roman Catholic Church honors Sacred Nikolay as sacred helping children and poor people. Sacred Nikolay became the basic sacred to which pray for children. On December 6 — it is Sacred Nikolay's name-day.Companions of Santa ClausIn the beginning Santa moved on foot, and one elf assistant dressed in green clothes and a cap accompanied him. Then, in the XIX century the writer and poet K.Mur attended to a problem of their transport and thought up the magic sledge harnessed by white reindeers. Later the number of elves assistants of Santa increased, they help Santa to cope with gifts and are by all means dressed in the red caps which have got to them from the predecessor.Stockings over a fireplaceOn a legend Santa Claus in Christmas night flies in the magic sledge over the sleeping cities and, going down through a flue in houses, leaves gifts to children in stockings, socks or boots which they specially leave under a fir-tree or hang out over a fireplace.This symbol was also entered into use K.Murom, in the poem "Night before Christmas". But there is one more history about this custom.Once one family prepared for Christmas celebration. But they were so poor that weren't able to afford to buy a fir-tree under which Santa could put the gifts. And sad children went to bed, without hoping for gifts, and next morning after all found them in the stockings which have been hanged out at a fireplace for drying. Children were very happy, and custom to hang out socks over a fireplace remained and until now.Children always wanted to know from where it comes and where spends the whole year from Christmas by Christmas and where it takes gifts. The legend grew from these questions that Santa lives on the North Pole, in the same place where its warehouse of gifts settles down.But in 1925 on the North Pole yet there were no pastes

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