Небольшой проект (на пол-листа А4) про блюдо

yaroslavit 25 июля 2024

Небольшой проект (на пол-листа А4) про блюдо. В данном случае — блинчики со сметаной. Небольшое вступление (3-4 предложения), ингредиенты, рецепт (небольшой), заключение. Очень срочно!

категория: английский язык


ProductsChicken eggs — 2 pcs.Vegetable oil — 2 tablespoonsMilk — 500 mlFlour — 350 gSoda and vinegar — a pinchSugar — to tasteSalt — to tasteSour cream — to tasteHow to make pancakes with sour cream: In order to ensure you get a delicious and beautiful real Russian pancakes with sour cream , one must do the following: 1. Eggs with a mixer or whisk , beat together with the salt and sugar to form a liquid smooth. Add 2 tablespoons vegetable oil , stir .2 . Add 500 ml of milk and mix thoroughly all perebaltyvaem until smooth.3 . Gasim vinegar, baking soda and add to our mix . This also pour flour. Stir until until no lumps , and the mass turns into batter . All of the test are done. Go ahead .4 . Heat the pan, a little grease it with oil .5 . Pour the middle of the dough pans , after which the rotational movement distribute it across the pan shape . Once the edge of the pancake turn golden , turn over and fry it in the other side for 7-10 seconds. Remove .6. Gently fold them into the triangular envelopes and serve on a platter , laying next to a little sour cream. Russian pancakes with sour cream ready! 7. Bon appetit!

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