Напиши семь предложений о городе уэльс

koka73 30 июля 2024

Напиши семь предложений о городе уэльс

категория: английский язык


Wales- Cymru- Cambria – is a country in the west of Gr. Britain. It has an area of more than 8,000 square miles (20,000 square km) and population of about 3 mln people. Walws is bounded on the north by the Irish sea, on the east by the Engltsh countries, on the south bythe Bristil Channel. Its surface is largely mountainous, reaching 3,560 feet in Snowdon, the highest point in southern Britain; 6% of Wales is covered by woods and much of the country is pasture land for sheep and cattle. The south-western part is important for dairy cattle and pigs. The northern and north-western section of Wales raise many sheep and beefcattle. Although some parts of Wales are good for farming, the mountainous area running all the way up the centre of the country has very poor land which is good for sheep farming. The sheep provide wool for local wearing industries, and the wood is used for beautiful hand-made furniture. As for the surface, Wales is divided into wto parts: North Wales and South Wales. North Wales is a country of mountains and deep valleys, South Wales is a land of high hills and wide valleys. Because of the mountanious nature of the ciuntry and and its moist climate its vegetation is rich and green. All this makes Wales the land of scenic baeauty. Snow-capped mountain ranges yield place to valleys which are green and lush. Wales is noted for mineral wealth, producting iron, coal, copper, lead, zunc, slate and limestone. South Wales is highly indusstrialised with a Great number of large iron- and- steelworks, chemical plants and other heavy industries. The north of the country , on the other hand, has Snowdonia and could be said to have tourism as its chief industry, but the lives of the luves of the the people, even now, are dominated by mining and sharing of slate. Slate is still used to make the the typical grew roofs found all over Briyain, and local craftsmen use it to make all kinds of souvenirs. People living in Wales are called the Welshmen. The Welsh language is commonly spoken about 20% of the population. The Welsh people are origanally, Celts, who came to England from Europe 2500 years ago but were driven westwards by other people. Many of their traditions date back to the pre- Christian times of the Celts and the Druid religion. Like the Celts peoples in northern France. Cornwall, I{reland and Scotland they are short, strong and dark- haired. On the whole, they are highly- gifted in the art, they are poetic in the speech, they like to use bright and pictorial description of men and events. They are a natio of singers. Their national pride and love of the arts were fed by the mystic Druid beliefs. St.David is the patron saint of Wales. He was a monk who lived on bread, water, herbs and leeks and died on March 1, 589 A. D. The leek became the national emblem for Wales and medieval soldiers used to wear leeks as they rode to battle. Nowadays, the leek is worn on March 1 (St. David’s Day- the Welsh national holiday) and at the international rugby matches. (the daffodils is also a Welsh national emblem because its Welsh name is translated as a type of leek). All over the Wales you will find wishingwells into which people still throw money. Some wishing wells are said to help you love life, others can heal the sick, so people say. The Welsh national costume was born in the 17th century when women wore long colored skirts, a white apron and a tall clack hat. The capital of Wales is Cardiff which is situated in the South Wales.

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